How large is the main hall?
It’s approximately 46ft x 23ft (14m x 7m).
How many people does the hall hold?
Standing 180 and seated 80.
Are there tables and chairs available?
There are 148 chairs and 24 tables (11 large tables 6ft x 2ft which seat 8 people and 13 small tables 4ft x 2ft that seat 6 people).
If I book the hall does it include the car park?
Yes, your hall booking includes the car park.
Can we serve alcohol?
We have an alcohol licence and a ‘bar’ area so you can provide alcohol at your event. We do not provide alcohol or serving staff. If you plan to sell alcohol, you must provide us with a copy of the Temporary Event Notice (TEN), at least 1 week prior to the event.
Does the hall have WiFi?
Yes. It’s provided by Gigaclear (free).
Can we put up decorations?
Yes, you can. They must be removed at the end of your event and not cause any damage to the hall (as referenced in the Rules of Hire).
Can we leave cars in the car park overnight?
Yes. The hall cannot be liable for any loss/damage, or theft. It’s important they are removed early the next day to avoid inconvenience to other hall hirers (unless prior agreement has been obtained from the booking clerk).
Are we able to hire a DJ?
Yes. You don’t need a music licence as you’ll be covered by the parish hall’s music licence, however, all music must finish by 10:30pm (Sun-Fri) and 11:30pm (Sat).
Do we need to book extra time for setting up and clearing up?
The times you book must include time for set up and clearing up. It’s important you leave the hall on time to avoid any inconvenience to the next hirer. For bookings up to 11pm (Sun-Fri) or 12am (Sat), the building must be vacated by this time with all cleaning complete.
For more information contact the booking clerk or call 07403 508413.